High Drug Costs: Policy & Practice Implications
Off Campus
Date & Time
April 2, 2018, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
“High Drug Costs: Policy & Practice Implications” is a planned health care policy event featuring speakers from a variety of backgrounds with experience in advocating against high drug costs. The event will feature a panel of advocates, providers, and community members.
This event aims to:
Educate students, providers, and community members alike on policy issues related to pharmaceutical prices and the implications for individual, community, and population health
Inform the audience of past and present legislative efforts to curtail high drug costs
Provide skills and/or opportunities for both community members and professionals alike to advocate against prescription drug price gouging and other cost related policy issues
Time, Date, and Location
The event will take place at the University of Maryland School of Social Work in Baltimore, MD on April 2, 2018, from 12:15-1:45pm.
Planning Team
The event planning team includes the 2017-2018 University of Maryland HEALS Scholars, Clare Donofrio, Elizabeth Gill, Evan Martin, and Kalyn Crocetti, in addition to their advisors, Dr. Melissa Bellin and Dr. Carolyn Tice.
Steven Kravet, MBA, MD
President, Johns Hopkins Community Physicians
Jameka Relish (pending confirmation)
VA Medical Center of Baltimore
Adam Schneider, MSW (pending confirmation)
Associate Professor School of Social Work
Suzanne Schlattman
Director of Development, Maryland Health Care for All
FREE Panera Lunch to RSVP visit Event Brite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/high-drug-costs-policy-practice-implications-tickets-43956298472