Careers in Aging Week Event
The Age of Love Screening and Discussion
Apartment Community Center
Date & Time
April 13, 2016, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Careers in Aging Week Event
As the population continues to age, social workers will need to be prepared to work with older adults in interdisciplinary settings.
To prepare for this, the social work department, along with the Erickson School and Brightview Rolling Hills Senior Living Community, is hosting its second Careers in Aging Week Event.
On Wednesday, April 13 from 12-2 PM in the Community Center we will be screening a new film- The Age of Love, to be followed by discussion and refreshments.
About the film:
An unprecedented speed dating event for 70- to 90-year-olds serves as the backdrop for THE AGE OF LOVE, an alternately poignant and funny look at the search for love among the senior set.
Over one summer, we intimately follow as ten speed daters—recently widowed, long-divorced or never-married—prepare for the big day, endure a rush of encounters, then anxiously receive their results. Fearlessly candid about themselves and what they’re seeking, these WWII babies are spurred to take stock of life-worn bodies and still-hopeful hearts.
Then, as they head out on dates that result, comic and bittersweet moments reveal how worries over physical appearance, romance and rejection, loss and new beginnings change—or don't change—from first love to the far reaches of life.
The Age of Love is a story of the universality of love and desire, regardless of age