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2 New Student Affairs Workshops


On Campus

Date & Time

August 2, 2013, 8:30 am5:00 pm


Please see below and help to spread the word about two very important training programs from Student Affairs:

1. Upcoming Free Training Opportunity!  “Mental Health First Aid” training will be held on Friday, August 2nd from 8:30 AM-5:00 PM in Commons 329.

This training will provide you with the tools needed to help a person who is developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis.   The first aid is given until appropriate professional treatment is received or until the crisis is resolved.  The training is 8 hours and all participants will receive a certificate upon completion of the training. 

Contact Jennifer Treger to register: jtreger@umbc.edu or call with any additional questions 410-455-3797.


2.   The next faculty and staff training for the Voices Against Violence protocol entitled "Responding to Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence at UMBC" will be held on Thursday 8/15/13 from 1:00 - 2:30 pm in Commons 331.  Here is the link to the myUMBC Training site with all of the details, and how to register:


Contact Alison Rohrbach with any additional questions or concerns: arohrbach@umbc.edu or 410-455-1599.

These training programs are extremely important for all faculty and staff, so please encourage any colleagues who have not yet been trained to attend.