The UMBC Baccalaureate Social Work Program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education

What is social work?

Social work is a part of the helping professions.  It focuses on empowering individuals, affecting social change, and advocating for the rights of others.  Human dignity and social justice are closely linked to social work’s rich history.

What does a social worker do?

Social workers are skilled professionals who are licensed to work in a variety of arenas.   They serve as facilitators, advocates, community organizers, educators, counselors, administrators, and policy analysts.

What words are often associated with social workers?

Words used to describe social workers include but are not limited to: change agents, problem solvers, critical thinkers, facilitators, advocators, counselors, clinicians, organizers, activists, planners, politicians, lobbyist, writers, and researchers.

What are examples of employment settings for social workers?

Social workers have an array of employment opportunities, populations to serve and work settings.  Specifically, social workers are found in mental health and health care, child welfare, the justice system, services for older people, local, state and federal governments, private and public practice, schools, public welfare agencies,  research centers, community organizations, faith-based agencies, and corporations.   Social work employment can be in rural areas such as the Appalachian region, urban centers like the Boston- Washington, DC corridor, and internationally in countries including England, France, and Portugal.

What are the educational levels of social work?

Professional social workers are found at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level. Degree programs in social work are found across the country.  The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is the national accrediting body for social work programs.  The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest professional membership organization for social workers.

Are there licensing requirements for social workers?

The practice of social work is regulated at the state level through a licensing process. Details on licensing procedures are found at www.aswb.org.